Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank God It's Friday, right?

This has been a really bad week for me. Like, really bad. Definitely the worst since the school year started.
Why, you ask?
Well, here's my list...
  1. I bombed my History quiz.
  2. I completely forgot about some big important homework assignment for Earth Science, then forgot again, and ended up turning it in 2 days late.
  3. It's been horrible and rainy almost all week.
  4. I am now punished, but I'm not sure why.
  5. My partner for lab project does no work and is never free to work on projects.
  6. My parents have revoked my "eye makeup privileges" because my dad thought I was wearing too much eyeliner because he saw me right after my hand had spazzed and I made the line too thick.
But this weekend should be good. Like, really good. Like, amazingly fantastically awesome, one of the best this year.
Why, you ask?
Saturday is my hibachi birthday party, featuring 10 of my closest friends. Annnd, Sunday is my actual birthday.  Annnd, my soccer team is playing my camp friend's team and I haven't seen her in like forever, so I'm kinda psyched for that too.

Wow, just thinking about my fantabulous weekend has picked up my mood.
You wanna hear about my outfit?
Come on, I know ya do.

Actually, it's really not that special.  I guess I kinda ended up with a slightly gothish look, but I was sorta depressed this morning cuz of the rain and whatnot.  I'll got from bottom up:  my absolutely insane Converse--hot pink, with hints of neon green and bright blue & paint splatters; gray acid-wash Bullhead skinny jeans from PacSun; plain purple tank top, also PacSun; Prestige Cosmetics liquid eyeliner, with wings!; and what I call second-day hair (cuz I didn't wash it yesterday), bangs clipped back.
Now that I think about it, I could've been featured in a PacSun catalog.  

I r e a l l y wanna finish my homework tonight, so I'm not stuck with it on my birthday weekend, so imma go now (imma go, imma go, imma imma imma go...k, I'm done.)  Byeee<3

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